Lynsted with Kingsdown Parish Council has instructed a firm of solicitors to lodge a formal objection to the draft Swale Local Plan 2021.  The Council objects to the plan as a whole because it is based on a flawed and inappropriate growth strategy which is unjustified, not supported by evidence, is predicated on an unlawful use of Supplementary Planning Guidance to allocate development, and is mutually inconsistent with the Plan’s own settlement hierarchy and other policies within the plan.
It has not been informed by a sustainability appraisal that meets the relevant legal requirements and will not be effective, because the growth strategy selected - which includes the “Teynham Area of Opportunity” -  is not deliverable.
It has also not been consulted upon in accordance with the legal and procedural requirements set out in the Local Plan Regulations.  
In addition to the above, and specifically, the Parish Council objects to the inclusion of the Teynham Area of Opportunity which is entirely unjustified and unsound, unsupported as it is by proportionate evidence.