Residents have voted overwhelmingly against plans to build houses on land west of The Street, opposite The Vallance.  The Parish Council conducted a survey following the presentation by Burlington Property Group in June.  
The results were emphatic, with 85% saying the plot should be left as it is.  There was little interest in the community hall, with 60% saying “none of the above” when given a long list of attractive-sounding facilities that could be included.

Four fifths of respondents didn’t want any houses built there at all or thought the number of houses was too many.  Nearly 90% said the landscape and appearance of Lynsted would be made worse, whilst 84% said their general enjoyment and quality of life in the Parish would deteriorate.
Burlington have stated they would only proceed if they had full support from the local community.  Given the findings of the survey, the Parish Council voted unanimously at an Extraordinary Meeting to reject the proposals.  We have now written to the developers requesting confirmation that they will not progress any further with plans for this site. You can read our letter HERE